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Jumat, 06 April 2012

When Apple and Google Asked to Help Police

TECHNOZERO - Police United States tried to embrace Apple and Google to support digital forensics to uncover a legal case. As the owner of the most popular mobile operating systems today, both companies are required in order to open access to each device to be questioned by police.

Smartphone, became one of the devices that are often questioned by police to present additional facts. However, when the defendant locked his smartphone access, I can not help the police must cooperate with the company owner of the operating system.

When a request to access the smartphone has been approved by a judge, usually the company has no choice but to obey.

A law enforcement agencies of the San Francisco Bay Area, said at least three years Apple has been supporting the police. The trick, Apple iPhone screen to remove the lock that was confiscated for the investigation. The lock code is usually 4 digits.

As for the access to an Android device, the only way is to ask Google to reset the username and password Gmail users. Then, username and password have been reset was handed over to police.

However, Google is famous for maintaining strict security and confidentiality of the owner of a Gmail account. Need extra negotiations to convince Google to reset the user account.

Sheriff of Sacramento, beginning April 2012 filed a training partnership with Apple and Google, in order to assist law enforcement with open access pemilikya smartphone without being noticed.

What does the U.S. police force is quite effective in dismantling the crime. Now the gadget is like a wallet or diary, which stores the talks, photos, videos and activities of a person traveling.

Predict technology site CNet, the police will be more diligent in accessing the mobile devices people are tripping cases.

source : CNET

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