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Kamis, 05 April 2012

Google's complete Paramount movie trailer on YouTube

Jakarta TECHNOZERO - Google announced a new deal with Paramount Pictures to add more over 500 movie titles that will be leased through YouTube and Google Play.

While Mountain View is the only one among the major Hollywood studios that have not reached an agreement with Google, according to the influential technology blog, BGR.

"Celebrating the anniversary-100, the Paramount has been responsible for some of the most impressive films in cinema history," said Malik Ducard, YouTube director of content partnerships.

In collaboration with Paramount, Google now has five partners of the six major studios and more than 10 independent film studio that offers nearly 9,000 movies for rent to the millions of people around the world, says Ducard.

"It's still early stages for us, and we will continue to add new titles and expand our services to more countries this year."

The majority of films that are bound in a deal that has been available now, and the rest, according to Ducard, will be added to YouTube and Google Play the coming months.

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