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Kamis, 05 April 2012


TECHNOZERO, Jakarta - The battle of technology patents between Yahoo! and Facebook seem more exciting, as both companies have mutual demands. Facebook does not seem to want to surrender of patent cases by requiring the parties behind Yahoo!.

Facebook this demand comes just weeks after Yahoo! claimed that they had violated 10 patents covering the technology of online advertising, social networking and privacy control.

Facebook itself has denied allegations that behind Yahoo! and Yahoo! also alleges violation of 10 patents owned by them which include photo-tagging, online advertising, online recommendations, and others. This dispute became more widespread as Facebook is now also preparing an initial public stock Ofering (IPO) of them within the next few weeks.

Previously the Facebook does not stay silent in the face of the demands of Yahoo!. Because they've been doing some preparation. Facebook confirmed that they had just come back to buy IBM's patents, to strengthen their position in the current patent war.

Parties up to buy approximately 750 patents and networking software, two weeks after Yahoo! demanding that Facebook wear them 10 patents. Even so, the Facebook has not dared to be done to confirm the purchase of patents, as a preparation to face the demands of Yahoo!.

"I can confirm that there is a purchase, but I have no other detailed information to be shared," said Larry Yu, a spokesman for Facebook. Just as with IBM, which also does not provide official comment on the purchase of patents.

Yahoo! sue Facebook because they had violated 10 patents proprietary technology. The indictment charged in court District Court in San Jose, California. Several patents have been violated by Yahoo! is a news feed, messaging, display ads, privacy controls and fraud prevention features.

"Facebook has not released before 2004, 10 years since the founding of Yahoo!. Facebook has now grown as a large company, but a lot of Yahoo! technology patents used by them," said the Yahoo!, when sent a complaint.

The demands made Yahoo! Facebook might be a bit annoying, as they were planning to go public in May this year. We see the future, like what 'she said' disputes between these two giant technology companies.

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